Three boxes wide by three boxes high, each representing a room or a major aspect of the design.
Within each box are nine more elements smaller in size but ultimately as important to the overall solution. These represent a colour, a light fixture, a piece of furniture or a specific function. Each of these elements is directly related to the nine elements within its own box, but also the boxes both horizontally, vertically and ultimately within the entire puzzle.
The more information provided to you by the client, the more elements identified within the puzzle. With fewer pieces within the puzzle the designer needs to find, the faster and easier the puzzle is to complete.
The less information you have from the start, the greater number of concepts need to be produced, the greater number of ideas need to be explored, the greater likelihood of making mistakes and the greater the amount of time needed to find a solution.
When the puzzle is complete every element of the design works in harmony with every other element.
Make a change to one element of the puzzle and potentially every other element within the puzzle can be affected. The later in the process a change occurs, the greater the likelihood that the change will effect more elements of the design.
In short.
Design is as hard or as easy as you the client makes it. If you don’t know what you want it will take us longer to find a solution that you are happy with. If you make changes throughout the process you, the clients, are directly responsible for the time taken and the cost of the design.
Be realistic in what you want to achieve. Do your research. Know yourself. Have a clear objective and don’t lose sight of your goal.
Have confidence in your choices. Talk to your designer. Trust your designer.